Who We Are

We Love Bamboo Sunglasses 

Black bamboo wood sunglasses

We are a community of individuals who have a purpose, to create change within our world.

Our Mission

We believe that by being a collective of conscious consumers, we can all make a positive impact. Our mission is to raise awareness about the importance of our environment, promoting a more sustainable and conscious future.


Our Creation

Bambuddha came about by the desire to do something for the greater good, to be a part of something much bigger than ourselves. When bamboo met Buddha, sustainability and mindfulness merged and the dream became a reality. On 13/11/2014, Bambuddha was born.

Our Vision

We acknowledge that the earth is a precious place and that we need to preserve it. For that reason, we are using one of the most renewable resources that mother earth has made available to us, and therefore, we are returning the love.

With every purchase of Bamboo Sunglasses, Bambuddha will give back 10% in support of wildlife and the planet.

Our goal is to give globally, contributing to organizations dependent upon where the sunglasses are sold. By taking a philanthropic approach to business, the hope is to inspire people to protect our home and the life that lives here. 

Bambuddha Bamboo Sunglasses Logo